Hands up if you agree…..physical activity isn’t a punishment! It’s a privilege, it should be enjoyed and appreciated, it should be viewed as an adventure, a way of making memories a way to strengthen the body, mind and soul and also a way to heal. I’m not a fan of the word “exercise” or phrase “working out”, they seem to have a negative connotation…..feeling like you must exercise seems like a punishment but going on an adventure…..now that is fun! ….especially during these times of isolation. We are fortunate that the temps are warming up and we can utilize the great outdoors as a new living space while still maintaining social distance. After our inaugural, spring bike ride to Lake George, the whole fam is feeling good tonight: fresh air, vitamin D, sore muscles…..and ready for BED! ⠀
Set your destination and GO FOR IT! Happy Sunday night everyone! ⠀