Rid the World of Fad Diets Day

Rid the World of Fad Diets Day

Today is Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day which is part of Healthy Weight Week, founded by Francie Berg to remind individuals that health isn’t just about a number on the scale. ⠀
Have you ever “dieted”? What were the overall results? Did the results last? Did the diet feel like a punishment? Did you label foods as “good” and “bad” and feel guilt while eating a “bad food”? Wouldn’t it be great to rid ourselves of these restrictive diets, learn to trust our bodies and restore a healthy relationship with food? We can start by slowing down, being more present and mindful when eating, and listening to our bodies. Remember small changes can lead to big rewards, here are a few you can try now:⠀

Pause before you eat….ask yourself if you are really hungry (or are you craving food for other reasons)? ⠀

Slow down and enjoy your food and stop once you feel satisfied⠀

Avoid eating in front of the TV or other screen and ⠀

Avoid mindless picking/snacking and eating on the go.⠀

The goal is to be in the moment while eating so fueling our bodies can be fully enjoyed. ⠀

“Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy and spirit you possess or takes away from it.” -Ann Wigmore⠀

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